Monday, November 8, 2010

Kat Stacks - Deported Back to Venezuela? (BLOG)

Its a Wrap?

Kat Stacks, whose real name is Andrea Herrera-Cardena was arrested last week in Nashville, TN according to the Davidson County Sheriff's Office. It is still unclear the reason for her arrest but she caught a felony immigration charge.
She took to her twitter while all of this was going down and tweeted that the town security held her for over an hour. She then went on to say that as soon as the security officers saw her foreign passport they began "messing" with her. 
According to The Nashville Criminal Justice Center today, Kat Stacks has a 90% chance of being deported to Venezuela this week. "She didn't get arrested for a state charge, so she must've missed an immigration court date in the past. Once that happens they start looking for you and once they got you... it's a wrap," says Miss Pugh, a police assistant at Nashville's CJC.

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